
一場7.8級的地震會帶給你什麼? 相信每個人的反應與答案都有所不同:



我們的這個旅程是自2010年的六月開始的,如文: 在四川的服務回顧 ;而在2012年四月中旬,暫告了一個段落。我們幾人各自整理了這段旅程的學習心得,決定藉著一個公開的分享會,邀請關心偏鄉教育、社會服務、個人學習、社群成長、企業社會責任……的朋友們,一起回顧與慶祝我們在此旅程中的豐收。



What did a 7.8 rated earthquake bring to you? Trust our answers are very and personal.  However, this earthquake brought to us a joyful journey of learning and service….

Our journey began in June 2010 and ended in mid April 2012.  Please click here
to view our first available reflection.   The five of us have put our leangs together, and want to share and celebrate them with friends who are also interested in education in remote countries, social service, personal growth, community development, corporate social responsibility and image….  

We sincerely welcome you to join this celebration with us.  In the meantime, we hope you could share your stories of similar service experience and learning with all.  When we are together, may we share our world vision and our learning in order to be helpful to each other, explore the possibilities and sparks of connection and innovation!  Join us!

                   Jessie 蕭燕如、Jester 李志強、Eva 陳柔均、Luis 蕭誠逸、 Jorie 吳咨杏       敬邀

日期/Date: 2012/7/6 (五/Fri.)
時間/Time: 19:00~21:30
費用/Fee: NT$200 (共同分攤場租等相關費用 shared fee)
地點/Place: 文化大學推廣中心/The School of Continuing Education Chinese Culture University
教室/Room: B2 - 211
交通地圖/Transportation: 台北市建國南路二段231號

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